Meeting 12
2020-04-06 14:20:00 +0000
Meeting 12 Minutes: 6th April 2020 Discord
Apologies: None
Aims for this meeting:
- Update on the incorporation of the tech tree and resources
- Timeline on tile interactivity
Adjustments that still need to take place:
- Make scenarios connect to the questions. There is a mechanism for showing them when you land on a tile though.
- The tech tree needs to be connected to the map
- Research/ fuel/ food points need to be generated every turn
- You need to end the turn on an interactive space to do the question. At the moment even if you pass over it it forces you to stop
- It is meant to be a strategy game so we need to be able to end the turn early. Have max movement but you don’t need to have used all of them to end the turn
- Needs to be able to plot a course and then calculate the number of turns it will take to get there
- Trying to fix the point and click for the tech tree points spending function
- Hoping to have all code complete by the 16th April at the absolute latest
- Everyone should begin the write-up of their sections of the report ASAP. This needs to be done by the 20th so there is time for Abbie to go through and make it all the same writing style
Meeting 11
2020-03-30 14:20:00 +0000
Meeting 11 Minutes: 30th March 2020 Discord
Apologies: Ben
Aims for this meeting: Discuss current problems and next steps Discuss a timeline for code completion and report writing
- Discuss current problems and next steps
- Discuss a timeline for code completion and report writing
Map/ Visuals Issues:
- The camera needs to be centred on the unit
- Movement Algorithm:
- The move button will be replaced with the space bar
- Currently isn’t reliable in terms of where it will stop/ how far it will travel. This will be fixed next
- When the player clicks on the map a path is found and shown in the form of a yellow to red gradient line. This currently doesn’t indicate how far you can go in one turn but may be possible to modify it to be. An alternative is to keep it how it is and just tell the player how many turns it will take them to reach the point they have clicked on.
Question Pop-ups:
- How are we going to code for which questions/ scenarios pop up?: Create seperate folders for each tile type and question type for that tile type using the classes. One function will be called which opens the questions folder for that tile then can pass a category into the function
- Create a class called game manager. Change load question
Meeting 10
2020-03-23 14:20:00 +0000
Meeting 10 Minutes: 23rd March 2020 Discord
Apologies: Ben
Aims for this meeting:
Decide who is responsible for which sections of the group report
Who is responsible for which section?:
- Introduction
- Project brief
- Our initial ideas
- Our finalised plan
- Admin (meeting minutes)
- Meetings subsection
- I will also go back through what everyone else submits to keep the writing style consistent
- Future work: enemies and AI, interactions
- Tech tree explanation and boosts
- Map generation / with mesh components
- Tile types
- Game mechanics
- Mouse/camera movement
- Menus
- Questions relating to physics (Explanation/calculation types)
- Working on the importance of education and education research
- To Do List
- Some of the Future work stuff
- Future work: personality generator
- pathfinding algorithm for Hex based tiles (Using Dijkstra’s algorithm)
- Github / blog
- Movement algorithm
How do these things fit in?
- Story line (game play, what happens in the game): Decision to put this on the back burner until all game mechanics are implemented.
Meeting 9
2020-03-16 14:00:00 +0000
Meeting 9 Minutes: 16th March 2020 Discord
Apologies: None
Aims for this meeting:
- General Progress Update
Map update:
- The map is now working correctly in every way except the fact that for some unknown reason the tiles generate one to the left of where we have defined. It isn’t known why this is happening but it is being corrected by just adding one to the first coordinate in the title factory code.
- The intention is to replace the titles such as stars, planets, asteroids etc to be the 3D models instead
- An image of the map will be attached to the minutes
Any other updates:
- Sam is looking into implementing the movement algorithm
- Kresda is adding the question pop-ups
- Abbie and Ben are revisiting the tech tree
- Safiya has completed the fuel section of the tech tree write up
Meeting 8
2020-03-09 14:00:00 +0000
Meeting 8 Minutes: 9th March 2020 GO Jones Room 410
Apologies: None
Aims for this meeting:
- Discuss map and its layout
- How long do we have left and how much can we get done?
- We have to have a static map to be able to have a proof of concept at the end and be able to attach the relevant information to each object
- Will be focussing on a small portion of the map and associating it with around half of the type 1 civilisation tech tree
- Created a sketch to help visualise and plan the density of objects on the map which will be attached to the minutes
How long left?:
- Hand in date is the 9th of April and so compromises are going to have to be made in order to have something playable at the end.
- Any additional features that we are unable to include can be relayed in the further work section of the report
Meeting 7
2020-03-06 14:00:00 +0000
Meeting 7 Minutes: 6th March 2020 GO Jones Room 410
Apologies: None
Aims for this meeting:
- Fix map bugs
- Decide what we want each tile to do
- Next steps
Map Bugs:
- Currently the map moves under the camera why?: Due to the hexagonal coordinate system the map is wrapped to make it appear to be a square rather than a trapezium. Wrapping causes distortion when the camera moves so moves the map instead. This however isn’t a practical solution in a game as would make it very laggy if the map basically regenerates every time the camera moves.
- Try to fix it using bool false to prevent wrapping
- Fed will continue working on the map to improve this
Function of each tile type:
- We now have an interface and different classes set up for each tile to make it easier to set each tile’s specific function and passability.
- Blackhole = impassable
- Asteroids = only small ships can get through and collect resources (by mining).This may present problems when it comes to the movement algorithm though
- Stars = Impassible/cannot land on it, may have different sizes and colours if there is time to represent red dwarfs and other star types
- Planets = can land here, either populated or unpopulated, can then answer questions which depend on the scenario presented and gain or lose resources
- Event tiles = can land here, random boost with accompanied scenario
- Bad Planets = can land here, lose health points / resources as get attacked here
Meeting 6
2020-02-24 14:00:00 +0000
Meeting 5 Minutes: 14th February 2020 GO Jones Room 410
Apologies: None
Aims for this meeting:
- Discuss how the resources will be implemented
- Discuss methods for movement
- Scenario ideas for interactive planets
- 4 key resources: Fuel, Food, Metal and Knowledge
- Building a science lab can increase generation?
- Collect these resources through interacting with planet tiles and answering questions correctly. Should also generate some food and fuel per turn anyway
- Certain types of ship improve yield i.e. resource ship so incentive to move through tech tree
- Starting number of tiles the player is able to move will be decided when we have a completed map as will help pace the early game
- Will likely use the A^* pathfinding algorithm.
- Turns will be a method of limiting movement
- Abbie, Safiya and Kresda will continue creating scenarios and questions to accompany them. Abbie’s list of areas to possible focus on will be attached to the minutes
Meeting 5
2020-02-14 14:00:00 +0000
Meeting 5 Minutes: 14th February 2020 GO Jones Room 410
Apologies: None
Aims for this meeting:
- Outline a full progress update
- Discuss exactly what is feasible and so what will be focused on in the coming weeks
- Create a master to do list
Progress Update: Fed
- Map generation not working correctly but progressing through Quill tutorials
- There is a lot of confusion when it comes to the code in its current state as multiple people have been working on the same section. There are some difficulties when trying to debug. This method of working through a couple of tutorials then passing onto the next person isn’t working. Therefore we need one person to work on a section to completion. Fed = Map
- Need to create a new folder and bring over only working code. This includes removing the mini map for the time being.
Realisticallly what is feasible?: Fed, Sam, Ben
- A randomly generating map,
- Turn based
- Limitations on movement and opportunities to improve this throughout
- A victory condition (tech tree completion?)
- Simple damage
- Resources to collect and use
How do we implement resource gathering?: Ben
- This can be modeled on CIV. Ben will research and implement this
Creating the master to do list : Abbie
Reasoning: Rather than having to explicitly assign tasks on a weekly basis during meetings it would be much easier to have a shared place where everyone can see a list of everything that needs to be done and can pick up tasks as and when this is required.
- Using trello as can create seperate to do lists for code, research, admin
Meeting 4
2020-02-10 14:20:00 +0000
Meeting 4: 1pm-2pm Friday 10th February 2020
Apologies: None
Tile types
- Planets:
- Bases
- Resources
- Ancient base
- Star:
- Blockage
- Resources
- Deepen tech tree
- Black hole:
- Block several tiles
- Empty Space:
- Hello
- Random events
- Space base
Player types (factions)
The personality type matches people to different personality types; categories.
- Attack Power
- Unit health
- Percentage resource generation
An idea that we would look at two different player types to begin with; for example
- Rebel
- Alliance
Tech Tree ideas
How many primary nodes; then we can decide how to fill these nodes.
Fog of War
- •••• Area completely visible around team active units
- •••• Team units
- •••• Area uncovered by exploring only partially showing (eg only shows positions of non active elements, without showing activity )
Meeting 3
2020-02-07 14:50:00 +0000
Meeting 3: 1pm-2pm Friday 7th February 2020 Library room 9
Apologies: None
Things we have encountered since last meeting:
Can we incorporate satellites? Would have to be stationary as cannot properly depict orbits with this hex-tile format
Consider resource gathering depending on how many planets have been overtaken
Marking of territory and rewarding you for interactions with new territory
Concerns about being able to utilise the AI Watson adequately
Going to have to compromise on complexity for the sake of ensuring we have a complete and playable game at the end
More info from Jon: Licencing and art: Can pretty much use anything that is freely available unless it says specifically that we can’t as we aren’t going to be actually publishing the product.
Using Waston?: Sam has been checking what Watson outputs. Tests both the example given with the program and a user submitted twitter profile.
Character types: What is relevant? Should pick some main characters to choose from if you don’t want to put your own twitter in.
What would personality impact?: Could make some choice as to which branch of the tech tree you focus depending on advantages and boosts due to personality markers.
Victory conditions: Currently considering 3 victory conditions; tech tree completion and conversion of other colonies to your civilisation. Could create an end-game branch of tech tree with more difficult questions. Final possible victory condition could be exploration based. Include randomly generating tiles that you can collect which could give you an endgame thing such as a wormhole. Could maybe collect parts of a formula for something.
Tech boost opportunities: Building a science lab could have a question pop up every turn in the late game to give a tech boost when you get the questions correct.
Meeting 2
2020-02-03 11:47:00 +0000
Meeting 2: 9am-11am Monday 3rd February 2020 Room 513 GO Jones
10am-11am Phone meeting with Jon McNamara
Apologies: None
Planning before phone meeting:
Tech Tree: All agree that it is best to focus on a single tech tree. Civ has way too many tech trees to keep track of and therefore wouldn’t make much sense in the format of our educational game.
Enemies: Space pirates of some description that aren’t a full civilisation but instead are just units that harass you randomly throughout. Possible “boss” randomly spawn around turn 20-25?
Branches of physics to include: Obviously Astrophysics is a core concept with this being set in space. Can also include theoretical physics as a means to progress through to higher civilisation types ( types 2 and 3 = late game).
Pathing: How much freedom of movement are we giving the player? To be decided when we have a working map to test for pacing.
Unit types: Base unit (large ship), science unit, scouting units, military units. Need to make sure that they can be connected to the tech tree.
Questions to ask during meeting with Jon:
Board game type thing?
Hex-tile strategy = 4x?
Thoughts on our current ideas?
Age range
Phone Meeting:
Information provided by Jon:
The Reason behind creating a physics game is that it is a very engaging method of delivering educational material.
Envisioning a game similar to Tribal wars
Consider how movement happens in space (e.g. stopping)
Consider Time Dilation
Multiplayer ( This would be nearly impossible within the current time frame). Unlock achievements and a leaderboard to create a competitive ethos. Rewards for continued playing e.g. days in a row. Could make it timed against yourself to work around the lack of multiplayer capacity
Unlock easter egg prizes
Encounters may be important for game advancement
Can have the use of the IBM cloud, including the data science tools. Watson AI if possible. Can then play as yourself using the output personality matrix from a twitter profile. This will then correspond to certain boosts based on a couple of specific personality traits.
Should create a weekly blog to keep both Jon and us up to date
Our responses:
Multiplayer: We think that multiplayer capabilities would be a stretch goal if it was even possible for us given our lack of development experience and time.
Age Group: The best age group to aim this at is high school as it will motivate them to research at a higher level
Tech Tree: Consider type 1,2 and 3 civilisation. Incorporate into the tech tree. One tree per civ type. Type 3 = end game. Can include quality of life can mean enemies are able to convert. A happiness statistic can be a win condition
AI: Can use the personality matrix to either input your own twitter profile or pick from a set of real people to play as that each have a specific personality trait e.g. confidence, aggression, curiosity etc… Perks based on player’s personality.
Meeting 1
2020-01-27 12:45:00 +0000
Meeting 1: 11am-12pm Monday 27th Jan 2020 Library room 6
Apologies: Ben Smith
Federico outlines general plan for the game itself:
Feasibility: We are working with a hex-tile turn based game therefore need to remember that we can’t represent complicated physical movement (e.g. elliptical orbits) within this game
Fundamental Concepts To Be Included: HP (could be for both your civ’s base and your vehicles), Currency (gained through encounters and used to progress through the tech tree), attack power (increased through tech tree and maybe randomly throughout board?), time constraints (greater rewards the faster a task is completed), AFK, diplomacy, scientific accuracy, A.I. (2/3 as turn based and don’t want to wait ages for your turn), build additional vehicles to vary movement distance and direction.
Problems we need to find solutions to:
Incorporating physics into the environment: Don’t want to only include physics in the encounter setting as can get boring with just answering questions that pop up on the screen. -try and gear the game mechanics towards physics without it being too complicated. E.g. Power generation
Diplomacy: Ways to prevent attacks on your base for a certain number of turns, trade deals , resource sharing
Encounters - Scenario ideas:
Planet on an orbit that will send them into an non-habitable area. Then can find things for the player to calculate to help change the orbit. Rewards can be currency/ materials and tech tree points
Question Types:
Want to stick to simple answers so multiple choice, number or short specific answers (1/2 words) so the answer is right or wrong no grey area to code in.
Harder questions for more important/ significant advancements?
Each planet/ area can focus on a specific area of physics/ equation. E.g. Lagrange points
Complexity (the enemy of feasibility):
Have options at the beginning for what type of civilisation you want to play as. Each type has different traits, therefore you get buffs specific to the chosen civ to give it some variety. Can lead to alliances, trade deals etc.
Plan Of Action:
Everyone download UNITY
Come up with possible scenarios
Consult with professors
Adaptable questions that can be aimed to multiple age groups and possible to represent in game
Next Meeting: Discord Wednesday 29th Jan 2020