Meeting 12
Meeting 12 Minutes: 6th April 2020 Discord
Apologies: None
Aims for this meeting:
- Update on the incorporation of the tech tree and resources
- Timeline on tile interactivity
Adjustments that still need to take place:
- Make scenarios connect to the questions. There is a mechanism for showing them when you land on a tile though.
- The tech tree needs to be connected to the map
- Research/ fuel/ food points need to be generated every turn
- You need to end the turn on an interactive space to do the question. At the moment even if you pass over it it forces you to stop
- It is meant to be a strategy game so we need to be able to end the turn early. Have max movement but you don’t need to have used all of them to end the turn
- Needs to be able to plot a course and then calculate the number of turns it will take to get there
- Trying to fix the point and click for the tech tree points spending function
- Hoping to have all code complete by the 16th April at the absolute latest
- Everyone should begin the write-up of their sections of the report ASAP. This needs to be done by the 20th so there is time for Abbie to go through and make it all the same writing style